The Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum is dedicated to promoting a public understanding of railroad-related activities in Hagerstown, Maryland. This is accomplished through the efforts of restoration, preservation, entertainment, and education. The principal goals of the museum include:
- Preservation and restoration of the historic railway equipment, including steam and diesel locomotives, passenger cars, freight cars, and other rolling stock.
- Preservation of the Hagerstown Roundhouse legacy, bringing awareness to its history, operations, landmark events, and employees.
- Public education as to the energy efficiency and ongoing value of rail transport.
- Public enjoyment of railroading through exhibits, trips, lectures, and other media.
Starting Nov. 29, 12-4 pm
Christmas At The Roundhouse

- Inclement Weather Policy: We are closed when the Snow Emergency Plan is in effect for Washington County MD and for other major weather events that would affect the safety of our volunteers & guest. The latest closures will be posted on our Facebook page. To see if the plan is in effect, please check the following websites:
- https://www.facebook.com/HagerstownRoundhouseMuseum/
Funding has been provided to the Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum from Maryland Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020
Special thanks to the National Endowment for the Humanities for providing funding for the SHARP Recovery Grant through the American Rescue Plan of 2021.
This effort was funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities as legislated in the American Rescue Plan of 2021 enacted by the U.S. Congress.
Special thanks to the National Endowment for the Humanities AND Maryland Humanities for providing the Strengthening the Humanities Investment in Nonprofits for Equity (SHINE) Grant fund through the American Rescue Plan of 2023. This grant program PROVIDED 50 General Operating Support grants worth $10,000, to non-profit organizations which provide humanities programming throughout the state of Maryland. @MDHumanities #MDHumanities
This project has been financed in part with State Funds from the Maryland
Historical Trust, an agency of the Maryland Department of Planning which is
an instrumentality of the State of Maryland. However, project contents or
opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Maryland
Historical Trust or the Maryland Department of Planning.