Preserving a Legacy
What to expect when visiting Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum:
Sadly, the original Hagerstown Roundhouse was taken down in March of 1999. The Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum is dedicated to preserving the legacy of the Roundhouse as well as railroading in Western Maryland. Despite the loss of this beautiful Maryland landmark, there is much to see and hear while visiting the Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum including:
- Outdoor train yard with rolling stock
- Indoor model railroad layouts
- Beautiful gift shop including books, apparel, toys, and other railroad related items
- Surrounding CSX Transportation rail yard*
- Artifacts including pictures, lights, lanterns, bells, whistles, tools, etc.
- Picture displays of local railroad facilities
- Railroad Library and Research Room (open by appointment only)
*Entrance to the CSX train yard is prohibited. Please use caution while visiting the Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum. The museum is situated next to an active train yard.